How Hair Transplant can Change Life of a Man & Women

Hair transplant is the only method to fight hair loss & baldness and yes it is protected choice. At present the only way to beat baldness is by getting hair transplant. But when it comes to cost of getting hair transplant it can only be determined after the doctor decides how many grafts will it be needed to give the patient good hair coverage. Here is an interesting case history of a young boy, who was very much depressed because of his hair loss and low density of hair.


At Vibra ClinicsHair Transplant in Udaipur, we do combo technique of FUT and FUE and 3000 grafts were implanted. Here is the result after 13 months of hair Transplant. Now he is a totally changed personality with lots of energy, enthusiasm and passion for his work. So hair transplant acts as a boon for him.

Women can also undergo Hair Transplant Surgery. It provides natural and beautiful looking hairs. Through the pro surgeons and with advent technology this procedure has various advantages such as less pain, no cuts or scars no worries girls It is performed by using local anesthesia without any sedatives or intravenous fluids.


Hair Transplant is the procedure of regrowing natural hair. In the process, hair follicles from back and sides of your head (donor area) are taken and implanted in frontal bald area (recipient area). Hair follicles on back of head are permanent follicles while those in front are temporary follicles. Temporary follicles are hormone sensitive and decrease in number with age while permanent follicles are hormone insensitive. Thus in hair transplant, permanent follicles (hair) are implanted in bald area. The transplanted hair grows like natural hair and never falls again.

Vibra Clinics is one of India’s prominent clinics in the field of Hair Transplantation and we help every year more than 200 patients to solve their hair loss problems.


Why to Choose Vibra Clinics for Hair Transplant?


Vibra Clinics offers hair transplant surgery at moderate prices, without compromising the quality.

Don’t believe? Check for yourself!

  1. Vibra Clinics is the 1st and only center in Udaipur that offers Exclusive Bio FUE Hair Transplant in Udaipur. The older techniques are not even performed at the center, anymore.
  2. Vibra Clinics instruments are imported and they use titanium punches to perform the surgery. We use US FDA approved SAFE Scribe Machine for extraction of follicles.
  3. They offer the renowned FUE technique at the price of the older FUT. Cost of Hair Transplant depends on the number of grafts.
  4. The nationwide celebrated and experienced surgeon, Dr. Upavan Pandya is the one who performs the precise transplants. He has treated more than 1,00,000 skin and hair patients with satisfactory results.

The best feeling comes when you know that you are in safe hands and soon you will experience the worth of your money. So, visit Vibra Clinics to know more about our procedures and techniques.

Even if going for hair transplant do read this;



Contact us

Address: Residency Road
Near PC Jewellers
Rajasthan – India
Mobile Number: +91 9166475705


Bidding farewell to hair problems with professional services from Vibra Clinics

Beauty is thought to lie in the eyes of the beholder. But for one to appreciate the beauty of a person, you must possess such qualities, which can be admired. The first thing that helps in creating an impression of the others is the physical appearance of a person. Among the things that make up the physical look, Hair is the most important aspect. This not only accentuates the beauty of a person but also protects the scalp from dirt and dust. Thus, the importance of hair has been agreed upon by wise men since time immemorial.


Problems related to hair

Hair like all other physical elements is subjected to damage. Some of the problems associated with hair are thinning, dandruff, baldness and much more. Just like the lack of hair can be an issue, in the same way, the presence of hair on the face and body can be a source of worry. Thus, getting rid of the unwanted hair becomes a necessity. With the advances made in the field of science, technology and cosmetic surgery, we can assist you in keeping all the problems mentioned above at bay.

About the Clinic


Vibra Clinics: Best Hair Transplant in Udaipur. This is only one best clinic that is dedicated to serving the needs of the clients, who suffer from ay hair related issues. The organization was founded by eminent cosmetologist Dr. Upavan Pandya. He aims at providing the best treatment to the clients.

Services offered here


If you have any hair related problem, then we will provide the solutions. We schedule a private consultation session with the doctor to know your problem better. Some tests are then done and a medical history of the patient is prepared. After careful analysis of the issues, we prescribe the best medicines. Surgery is the last option for us. Even though you need to undergo the knife, we follow international standards for a pain-free experience. The following are some of the treatments, which are offered here:

Affordable services


Most people step back from getting hair transplants or going for laser treatment for hair removal for the cost factor. We at Vibra Clinic aim at catering to people from all walks of life. Vibra Clinics is one of the most well-known hair transplant clinic has best Hair Transplant doctor in Udaipur. Thus, we charge nominal consultation and surgery fee from the clients. All the procedures are safe. Our professionals are trained in handling the modern machinery with the right way.

So, it is time to say goodbye to all your hair problems. A consultation is the first step towards achieving the beauty that you always desired to have.




Contact us

Address: Residency Road
Near PC Jewellers
Rajasthan – India
Mobile Number: +91 9166475705


Best Place to Get Hair Transplant in Udaipur- Vibra Clinics

Hair loss is one of the most distressing things that can happen to men and women. It can be emotionally devastating and a major source of professional and personal embarrassment when the hair loss inches towards baldness. Hair transplantation is like a boon for all these people who want to get their hair back naturally forever. The advancement of technological advancements in hair transplantation has made the procedure more viable and effective for restoring back lost hair with the help of a good Hair Transplant in Udaipur. There are many hair transplant clinics in Udaipur that claim to be the best, but to select the best by yourself, you have to keep certain points in your mind.


Tips to find Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Udaipur

Here are the essential factors that would help you identify the best place to get hair transplant in Udaipur:

Experience in both FUT & FUE: FUT is the traditional strip method whereas FUE is the most advanced transplantation method where individual follicle is transplanted. The best hair transplantation centres would have both the techniques to offer flexibility to the clients to choose the most suitable one for them.

Hair Transplantation Surgeon’s Experience: Hair transplantation procedure is a combination of science and art because the surgeon needs to create a natural looking hairline and transfer the hair implants carefully. Individual credentials and experience of the Surgeons matter a lot while choosing the best place to get a Hair Transplant.

Latest Technologies& Equipment: The hair transplant clinic you select should offer the latest technologies of the procedure and should have the modern equipment to make the procedure pain-free, effective, and safe.

Choose a Clinic with not a Year or Two but Many Years of Experience: The best place to get a hair transplant is one which has years of experience and thousands of patients to its credit. You can check for the customer testimonials and reviews.

Affordable Cost: Best hair transplantation centers would offer the best procedure at an affordable cost, but without negotiating with the quality or excellence.

Choosing the best place to get hair transplant is not always easy but keep the above tips in mind and it would be simple and easy for you

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Udaipur

There are many clinics that provides hair transplant at low cost, but if you really concern about your health, then you should go for the best one. Vibra Clinics is one of the most well-known hair transplant clinic has best Hair Transplant doctor in Udaipur. They offer quality hair transplant treatment at affordable cost. Also, the clinic provides free consultation to patients to help them to provide necessary information regarding the procedure.


Go through a detailed examination at Vibra Clinics as they need to understand the type of your hair, the stage of baldness you are experiencing, the amount of grafts required to restore the hair damage and know the final cost of hair transplant in Udaipur. The best feeling comes when you know that you are in safe hands and soon you will experience the worth of your money. So, visit Vibra Clinics to know more about their procedures and techniques.


Contact us

Address: Residency Road
Near PC Jewellers
Rajasthan – India
Mobile Number: +91 91664 75705


Get Rid of Your Baldness by this Hair Transplant Technique

In today’s world This Hair loss problem in millions of individuals are suffering either from baldness or signs of baldness or continuously receding hairline or tremendous thinning of hair. Nowadays we can see the hair transplantation is being one of the popular as medical method of fast revival of one’s lost hair and the growth rate of natural hair.


Hair transplant is the best option you have in case of baldness. For some people this case is so severe that no other treatment works but going for hair transplant. If you dig deeper you will find that nothing else will provide you hair that feels and looks like your own natural hair. However, it is advisable that you hire an experienced surgeon for the surgery. You can get the best treatments like hair transplant in Udaipur and many more metro cities according to your personal reach and references.

A hair transplant is a surgical process in which surgeon moves hair from a hair-filled section of the head to a bald area of the head. The hair is usually transplanted from the back or the side which also called the “Donor site” to the front or on top. Hair transplants are typically performed in a medical office under local anaesthesia.


Good candidates for a hair transplant include:

  • Men with male-pattern baldness (the most common type of baldness present in 20 percent of men aged 20, and a large percentage of older men)
  • Some women with thinning hair
  • Someone who has lost some but not all hair from a burn or scalp injury

Hair Transplant is the only and effective solution to lost hair. There is no such other treatment available to grow back lost hair. If there is no roots, having a bald patch then no magic pill/potion can grow hair. If you are suffering from androgenic alopecia or male patterned baldness, have realistic expectation from surgery and getting your surgery from good Hair Transplant Doctor in Udaipur who provides best Cost of Hair Transplant in Udaipur then can say that it is a good option to have permanent and naturally growing hair to cover your baldness.


Bio FUE Hair Transplant in Udaipur

Today the factors for hair loss are many such as:

  1. Hair loss may be caused from taking too much stress and tension.
  2. Hair loss or baldness problem can be hereditary as well.
  3. Hair loss or baldness problem can be due to intake of unhealthy improper food.

A permanent Solution for hair loss or baldness problem is Hair Transplant. Choosing the best surgeon as well as the best method for the hair transplant is very crucial. There are many methods available.  There are many advanced methods too but that requires huge investment too. One has to understand their skin type. One has to undergo in-depth study of different methods available as well as has to consult experienced hair specialists in order to get the best possible solution for their problem.


It is important to note that many expensive hair transplant surgeons often do not perform the surgery themselves and entrust it completely in the hands of their assistants. Hence it is difficult to choose best hair transplant doctor in Udaipur. If you are looking for cheap and ethical hair transplant (FUE) method, you can Contact US at

Vibra Clinics

Residency Road, Near PC Jewelers,

Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan – India

Contact Number: +91 91664 75705

Is it advisable to go for a hair transplant in Udaipur

Hair transplant is permanent solution to your baldness problem as it will give you the natural hairs. They will grow like other healthy hairs and the color and texture will be the same. Hair transplant in Udaipur is one of the most popular hair loss treatments. It is considered to be a permanent cure to cover bald areas.


Hair transplant takes time to show result. After the surgery it takes about 3 to 4 months for the hair to grow. Sometimes the hair grown may take longer period of time. Multiple surgeries or individual health complication can cause this delay. However, with hair growing ¼ inch every month, the patients can expect to see the final result in about 10-12 months after the surgery.

FUE hair transplant in Udaipur – Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also known as follicular transfer (FT). Bio FUE hair transplant in Udaipur is becoming popular among the youth as it is scar less, painless and affordable. FUE technique is an advanced version of the conventional hair transplant treatment. Several experienced and skilled hair doctors offer FUE hair transplantation in Udaipur.


Bio FUE Hair Transplant

PRP Therapy: It is a non-surgical hair restoration method in which the blood is drawn from your body. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is separated thoroughly from your blood and ACell is added to the PRP product. Then, under the action of a local anesthetic, the PRP product is inserted over the thinning area of the scalp via injections. PRP Therapy for Hair Fall in Udaipur is a modern and very effective conservative hair loss treatment. I would recommend going with the best dermatologist for better results.


PRP Therapy for Hair Fall

Hair transplant cost in Udaipur- 

If you have been looking for cheap cost of hair transplant in Udaipur then Vibra Clinics is the right place to go to. It provides high quality hair transplant treatment at the most reasonable cost. Depending on various factors the hair transplant cost in Udaipur can also vary. However, it is recommended that one consult with a hair surgeon before deciding on the type and cost of hair transplant in Udaipur.


Hair Transplant Doctor in Udaipur

Our well trained professionals implement most advanced techniques to offer the permanent solution for hair loss. Engaged in listening closely to the exacting needs of our patients from different age groups we have become the most preferred entity offering most reliable services for Hair Transplant in India.

Contact Us:


Residency Road, Near PC Jewelers,

Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan – India

Contact Number: +91 91664 75705


Losing hair can be a harrowing experience. Especially if it continues without any respite and refuses to respond favorably to topical medication, supplements, dietary changes and other popular remedies. Hair fall could be a sign of underlying illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease. It can have negative effects on social life and may also lead to depression. So do not neglect hair loss. This problem is solved by a successful hair transplant method.

There are three types of Hair Transplant method:


  1. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE can give very natural results. FUE takes place in a single long session or multiple small sessions. The FUE procedure is more time consuming than strip surgery. Bio FUE Hair Transplant in Udaipur (modification of FUE hair transplant) that offers the most natural and fast results.


  1. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

FUT is a surgical procedure where hair is transplanted from the permanent zone, the area in the back and sides of the scalp where area is bald.  The hair follicles are harvested from the strip by a skilled clinical team before being individually transplanted to the recipient areas. FUT typically allows for the greatest number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session.


  1. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP Therapy for Hair Fall in Udaipur is a modern and very effective conservative hair loss treatment that uses the patient’s own blood plasma, which is rich in platelets and growth factors. This hair loss treatment consists in the injection of blood plasma by mesotherapy at the spots where thinning is observed, after appropriate treatment of the patient’s blood.


Best Hair Transplant in Udaipur


The more important part is to careful selection of the Hair Transplant Doctor in Udaipur. In most cases, a pre-surgery appointment will help the surgeon understand the patient’s expectations along with giving the patient a realistic idea of what to expect after the transplant. At this stage, a patient will also be able to clarify his/her doubts and get a clear idea of what the procedure entails, the cost involved, what precautions are to be carried out and how to maintain new hair growth.


I suggest that you start a Hair transplant program with Vibra Clinics, Udaipur and get rid of baldness. It gives assurance of 100% satisfaction and 1200+ patients are enjoying their new hairs after treatment of Hair Transplant in Udaipur. It offers Best Hair Transplant in Udaipur for both men and woman. For Cost of Hair Transplant in Udaipur call today.



Contact Us:


Residency Road, Near PC Jewelers,

Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan – India

Contact Number: +91 91664 75705

How to Cure Hair Fall Problem in Udaipur

Now-a-days, hair-fall has become one of the most common problems for both men and women; this is due to the adoption of unhealthy lifestyle, pollution, stress, poor diet, hormonal changes and usage of detergents.

In Medical terms excessive hair loss is a form of baldness, Men are worse sufferer of baldness than women. Male baldness is much more severe than that of women and can make crown, temples, and even all parts of the head hairless.


 Hair fall could be a sign of underlying illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease. It can have negative effects on social life and may also lead to depression. Do not neglect hair loss. Consult Vibra Clinic’s Expert Hair Doctors Now. Here experts have conducted client focused R&D activities and have processed the most advanced formula of Vitamins for Hair Growth.  It also provides one of the best Hair Transplant in Udaipur and has world’s famous Hair Transplant Doctor in Udaipur.

Baldness is a condition in which there is excessive hair loss from the scalp, which leads to top of the scalp turning completely hairless and smooth. Baldness is very common occurrence in old people, but nowadays, many young people, even in their 20s, suffer from it, due to present stressful lifestyle and inadequate nutrition in the diet of people.

Some of the best tips for hair growth are:

  1. Avoid stress
  2. Take nutritious diet
  3. Prevent dehydration and dryness of skin
  4. Prevent metabolism disorders
  5. Avoid exposure to chemicals
  6. Protect hair from pollutants
  7. Avoid using devices and hair dryer that damage the hair and cause dryness
  8. Regulated exposure to sun can prevent yeast infection.


Females do not develop bald patches like males; female baldness manifests itself in the thinning of hair but not completely hairless scalp like that of men. When there is any disorder in the system of body, the hair starts falling at an alarming rate, that condition finally turns into alopecia or baldness. Main causes of baldness are: hereditary factor, not taking a healthy diet, hormonal changes like overabundance of DHT hormone, excess dandruff, menopause, too much stress, etc.


Hair Fall Problem

If you are facing hair loss problem, try to find out which causes apply to you. For instance, your age may be an important factor. Older women face the problem of thinning hair during the menopausal years. Men should find out if hair loss is hereditary in the family. Both men and women should also consider if they have had any illness recently, or if there is a problem of thyroid imbalance. Regular use of permanent dyes can also lead to hair loss.

It is important to choose the right Hair Expert doctor. Only experts understand the scalp requirements and offer hair revival tonic along with rejuvenation serum and revival oil. So at Vibra Clinics, get the best Hair Fall Treatment in Udaipur.  Services offered by this clinic are cost effective, time saving and the procedure is executed within a day. It also provides the best Cost of Hair Transplant in Udaipur.

Contact Us:

Vibra Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Laser Clinic

Address: Residency Road
Near PC Jewellers
Rajasthan – India

Contact Number: +91 91664 75705

How Effective is Hair Transplant Treatment in Udaipur

Hair fall is a common problem for both men and women. We know as some other name such as hair loss, baldness and alopecia. It caused by alopecia aerate, an autoimmune disorder.

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a procedure where the surgeon takes hair from the back of your scalp and transplants it in the bald areas. This is a permanent type of transplantation that helps them to grow for the rest of their life. The pattern of growth of human hair is a constant and ongoing process.


These are, however, recognized in 3 phases known as Anagen (growth phase), Catagen (degradation phase) and Telogen (resting phase). This normal growth cycle of the hair that applies to all hairs, which are a part of the body, however, their duration could differ for each body part.

The humans lose up to 50 to 100 hairs each day and the same keep growing as well in a cycle. This is a normal process and doesn’t need any treatment. Hair transplant procedure to be truly successful, it must fulfill two criteria at the same time, namely, density and coverage.


Techniques of Hair Transplant:


FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE can give very natural results. FUE is a minimally invasive method in hair transplantation. FUE takes place in a single long session or multiple small sessions. The FUE procedure is more time consuming than strip surgery. An FUE surgery time varies according to the surgeons experience, speed in harvesting and patient characteristics. Bio FUE Hair Transplant in India (modification of FUE hair transplant) that offers the most natural and fast results.


FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

The FUT process involves removing a small strip of tissue from the back of the head, from which the donor hair follicles will be extracted. FUT is a surgical procedure where hair is transplanted from the permanent zone, the area in the back and sides of the scalp where area is bald.  The hair follicles are harvested from the strip by a skilled clinical team before being individually transplanted to the recipient areas. FUT typically allows for the greatest number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session.


Choosing a Hair Transplant Method


During your initial consultation, the physician will determine which transplantation method is best for you based on your hair loss classification, the size of the thinning area, quality and quantity of your available donor hair. Choose the best Hair Transplant in Udaipur today and determine which hair transplantation method is best for you.


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